Best Sushi Rice Brands



'Koshihekara', and 'Kuhuho Rose', are the overall better rices for making sushi. And, supposedly, the very best rice to buy for making sushi is 'tamaki gold'. Tamaki gold is also the most expensive rice of the brands mentioned. Most brands have available 1kg(2-lbs), 2kg(4lbs), 4kg(8lbs), and 6kg(15lbs) quantity, and some are available in a 40lb.

To 'Learn to Make Sushi Rice', in a rice cooker, read also 'How To Make Short Grain Sushi Rice

Tamaki Gold Short Grain Rice

This rice is reportedly one of the very best for making sushi. It is not available at all Asian grocers, and may only be available in a larger quantity, 6kg, for a price of about $48, which when compared to the other brands, makes this rice about $16 per 2 kg.

Koshihekara Short Grain Rice

Koshihekara rice has a very distinct flavour and a good texture/appearance which makes it a preferred rice for 'sushi ' and also a good rice for making 'sushi rice bowls'. It is available at some Asian grocers, and the cost is about $13 for a 2 kg.
Cook in rice cooker with portioning of: 2 cups uncooked rice to 2 cups and 5 ounces water.

Kokuho Rose Short Grain Rice

Kokuho Rose rice is very similar to Koshihekara rice except it does not have a 'distinct flavour' like the koshhihekara rice. Kokuho is available at most local Asian grocers, and also you can buy it at Walmart, 1 kg for $6.
Asian grocers have the 40lb available also.
Cook in a rice cooker with portioning of: 2 cups uncooked rice(4cups cooked), to 2 cups and 5 ounces cold water.

Hitomobore Short Grain Rice

Hitomobore is another short grain rice from those who make Koshihekara rice. Hitomobore does not have the unique flavour like koshihekar does, but it is still a good rice both in texture and appearance. Pricing is about $12 for a 2kg. Available at some Asian grocers.
Cook in a rice cooker with portioning of: 2 cups uncooked rice(4cups cooked), to 2 cups and 5 ounces cold water.

Botan Calrose Short Grain Rice

Calrose is another popular short grain sushi rice and for good reason. It is the cheapest rice to buy, and although its' overall taste, texture and appearance is not as distinct as the more expensive brands it is still a very good short grain rice.

Calrose can be bought at most Asian markets, and Walmart also sells Calrose. Pricing is about $10 for a 4kg or $14 for a 6kg(15lbs). It is also available in a 40lb, at some Asian grocers.
Cook in a rice cooker with portioning of: 2 cups uncooked rice(4cups cooked), to 2 cups and 5 ounces cold water.

Nishiki Short Grain Rice

Another short grain sushi rice costing about the same as Kokuho Rose, and Koshihekara brands. This rice has a somewhat lighter texture than the other brands, and its appearance and taste were a little less appealing overall. Is available at some local Asian grocers.
Cook in a rice cooker with portioning of: 2 cups uncooked rice(4cups cooked), to 2 cups and 5 ounces cold water.

To read more about 'Making Your Own Sushi Rice', gohere.

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